Nutristore Freeze-Dried Cheddar Cheese Shredded | Amazing Taste & Quality | Perfect for Snacking, Backpacking, Camping, or Home Meals | Emergency Food Storage | 25 Year Shelf-Life


Premium Quality & Taste — Our shredded cheese contains only the best nutrients and ingredients to stay tasting fresh and savory upon reconstitution, or even makes for a great healthy snack straight from the can.
COOKING & PREPPING VERSATILITY – Perfect for everyday cooking, lightweight camping/backpacking MRE meals, or emergency survival food storage. Try using in your favorite recipes today or keep it stored conveniently for an emergency 25 years from now as great addition to your survival gear and equipment.
Bulk Value Buy — Nutristore cheddar cheese provides 40 servings and is packaged in a #10 can for convenience and optimal shelf life.